When life gives you lemons...
Where does one begin...
How do you put things into words when you really don't know how to say what you think and feel?
We're nearing close to a year since my last post...I have a few drafts..a few thoughts typed up but not ready to share..they just don't feel finished.
I've been on a roller coaster these past few months. Great times, low times, having answers, more questions and guessing.
The last time I left saying that I would update more when I had some answers but honestly, I feel that I don't have much to update on because I don't have more answers.
Our labs with the RE came back pretty much perfect, with the exception of extreme Vitamin D deficiency, but nothing that would point to recurrent loss.
I've had 2 biopsies done, because the first one showed some abnormalities but the 2nd biopsy showed everything had cleared up.
My cholesterol is perfect and in range & my triglycerides are barely over what they should be so I was released from the care of the Cardiologist.
In May I ended up in the ER for severe abdominal pain though, and I knew it was another ruptured cyst. The Dr in the ER chalked it up to being PID, which I now know is what they usually do in any instance presented like this, so it wasn't a true diagnosis.
July & August have been a whirlwind.
Mid-July...I found out I was pregnant again but July 23rd I got a call from my Dr's office that confirmed I would be having another chemical pregnancy.
Before that, an appointment with my RE in early July showed another cyst and included a referral to a surgeon because she was concerned about the cause of my pain, not really believing that it was PID, therefore she put me on birth control to try and get a handle on things to see if they may get better. Sure enough, she was right.
Long story short, I had a follow-up scan in mid-August and the cyst had more than doubled in size. I just had surgery on September 25th to remove the cyst from my right ovary and more.
They ended up removing that cyst, another one that had formed on/near my left ovary, my appendix and all Endometriosis that they found.
When the surgeon called me to let me know he got the results of the ultrasound, he told me that he was expecting pretty extensive damage. Today the surgeon called me to check on me and go over what the procedure included.
He got the pathology results back for everything and it did all come back as Endometriosis and everything was benign. My appendix was covered in Endometriosis, I had it everywhere. He said it was worse than what he was expecting and it was an extremely severe case of Endometriosis.
I'm still shocked...I don't know what to think. I'm just ready to not be in pain every day. It's been over a year of being in horrible pain almost every single day for a year.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
I'm using this time to enjoy and spend time with my son and husband without focusing on the negative each day.
Sometimes, I feel like life hands me more lemons than anything else. But I have to take things as they come and face the reality.
This won't always be a priority of mine in our lives, but it will always be part of my story.
I want to be able to look back and see that I embraced all parts of the story and not just the times where it's easy to be happy.
I love where I am in life. I love spending time with my family. I love these memories that we're making.
I'm doing my best to look at the bright side and make some lemonade.
How do you put things into words when you really don't know how to say what you think and feel?
We're nearing close to a year since my last post...I have a few drafts..a few thoughts typed up but not ready to share..they just don't feel finished.
I've been on a roller coaster these past few months. Great times, low times, having answers, more questions and guessing.
The last time I left saying that I would update more when I had some answers but honestly, I feel that I don't have much to update on because I don't have more answers.
Our labs with the RE came back pretty much perfect, with the exception of extreme Vitamin D deficiency, but nothing that would point to recurrent loss.
I've had 2 biopsies done, because the first one showed some abnormalities but the 2nd biopsy showed everything had cleared up.
My cholesterol is perfect and in range & my triglycerides are barely over what they should be so I was released from the care of the Cardiologist.
In May I ended up in the ER for severe abdominal pain though, and I knew it was another ruptured cyst. The Dr in the ER chalked it up to being PID, which I now know is what they usually do in any instance presented like this, so it wasn't a true diagnosis.
July & August have been a whirlwind.
Mid-July...I found out I was pregnant again but July 23rd I got a call from my Dr's office that confirmed I would be having another chemical pregnancy.
Before that, an appointment with my RE in early July showed another cyst and included a referral to a surgeon because she was concerned about the cause of my pain, not really believing that it was PID, therefore she put me on birth control to try and get a handle on things to see if they may get better. Sure enough, she was right.
Long story short, I had a follow-up scan in mid-August and the cyst had more than doubled in size. I just had surgery on September 25th to remove the cyst from my right ovary and more.
They ended up removing that cyst, another one that had formed on/near my left ovary, my appendix and all Endometriosis that they found.
When the surgeon called me to let me know he got the results of the ultrasound, he told me that he was expecting pretty extensive damage. Today the surgeon called me to check on me and go over what the procedure included.
He got the pathology results back for everything and it did all come back as Endometriosis and everything was benign. My appendix was covered in Endometriosis, I had it everywhere. He said it was worse than what he was expecting and it was an extremely severe case of Endometriosis.
I'm still shocked...I don't know what to think. I'm just ready to not be in pain every day. It's been over a year of being in horrible pain almost every single day for a year.
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
I'm using this time to enjoy and spend time with my son and husband without focusing on the negative each day.
Sometimes, I feel like life hands me more lemons than anything else. But I have to take things as they come and face the reality.
This won't always be a priority of mine in our lives, but it will always be part of my story.
I want to be able to look back and see that I embraced all parts of the story and not just the times where it's easy to be happy.
I love where I am in life. I love spending time with my family. I love these memories that we're making.
I'm doing my best to look at the bright side and make some lemonade.
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