Quick update since I've been quiet
It's been over a month since I posted last but I just needed a break. Yes, posting does help me cope with everything but there are times when I just need to keep to myself and soak things in.
In the past month not a ton has happened. I've just been focused on spending time with my husband & my son. I've been enjoying every moment and every day to the best of my ability.
I saw a GI specialist for the high lipid panel and got good and bad news. Bad news, he didn't think that he was the correct doctor for me to see about this because (here's the good news) other than high lipids, I was completely healthy. Liver was good, all other labs were good and within range. Everything was pointing to the Clomid making my triglycerides & cholesterol through the roof. He suggested getting monitored as he suspected that as time went on that the levels would slowly get lower.
I got the labs redone about 7 weeks after the initial labs and got good but bad news again. My cholesterol was down and just barely over however my triglycerides had actually gone up slightly (and they were already in the 500's).
With that news I was then referred to a cardiologist and my REI specifically requested that I see the Head of Cardiology at the hospital that they are affiliated with. That appointment is scheduled for tomorrow, June 13.
I had the SHG (sonohysterogram) done, which is the procedure/test which would tell if I needed surgery or not.
My results were technically good but I wasn't expecting or hoping for good results (which I'll explain why later.) So the SHG showed nothing, which means everything looked normal. That's great news! I'm glad that nothing is wrong, however I was hoping that my REI would have seen something ONLY because that would mean it was an answer as to why I haven't been able to stay/get pregnant recently.
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I won't need surgery. I didn't want surgery...I just wanted a clear answer as to the cause. A normal reading is still an answer, but it's not as clear as the other would have been.
So now we're here. Back to waiting, no real answers. I still cannot do anything else with my REI until my lipids are within range. The SHG was the last thing that they were going to let me do before the levels being normal.
So that's where I'm at currently. I won't really know anything else until I have my appointment with the cardiologist.
In the meantime I started reading a book called "It Starts With The Egg" by Rebecca Fett. If you are dealing with infertility, egg quality issues and IVF possibly, I HIGHLY recommend this book!
I'm only on the 4th chapter but the entire book is packed full of information and research.
I'm so excited to read it and hopefully be able to adapt some things in our lifestyle in order to help better my egg quality (hopefully!)
I'll post more as I get more information about results & appointments as I get them.
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