I did it!
Guys, I did it, I actually did it!
I FINALLY called and made my appointment with the specialist! I know it probably sounds like something so simple and you could be thinking, "That's it? What's so special about that?"
BUT growing up, being in & out of the endocrinology clinic for 9+ years, making that step and calling a specialist was hard to come to terms with. It's not something that I wanted to do. Going to a regular doctor is a little different to me. A regular doctor is the normal thing to do...but when you have to see a specialist, it's because there's actually something wrong.
I didn't want to admit that something else wasn't quite right...I still don't, but I know it's to help me.
Now, let me clarify that MANY kids have had it WAY worse than I did, this is just my story and how it felt to me.
And please, before you try to change my mind or before you judge me on why I feel this way, just save yourself time because I really don't care what you think about it.
I know it sounds harsh but it's the same with infertility, if you haven't been there you really don't know what it's like.
So please, try to think of how you, as a child, would've felt if you were constantly hearing that something was wrong with you or that essentially your body was doing the correct thing, just not enough of it to make much of a difference...all starting before you were 6.
Anyways! Back to my point...I called the office! I knew it wouldn't be a quick opening because this doctor is one of the best to specialize in reproductive endocrinology in Kansas City.
The appointment is a little over a month away and I'm already excited for it.
I do have a follow up with my current OB this upcoming week, but I'm pretty sure that I know what she will ultimately recommend, which is ok.
I've pretty much been preparing myself for this since December and now that it's coming...I'm honestly not as hurt or disappointed about it.
I know that I'm getting the one of the absolute best doctors. I honestly have not heard 1 single bad experience with this doctor which is partially why I chose him.
For once in quite some time I actually feel accomplished. I feel at peace about my decisions. It’s not what I wanted or had planned for myself, but it’s my path and if I can bring awareness to this then I will keep sharing about it...no matter how hard it may be at times or how much it can hurt.
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