What are we teaching our children?
That's the question I want to ask today...
What are we teaching our children?
Now that Zion is getting older I find that I ask myself that more and more often.
Children are constantly learning. Whether they're learning good or bad, it's a thing that is constantly happening. They love to imitate us, they look up to us and often want to be just like us...but the image that we're showing them, is that how we want them to grow up and be?
Our children look to us to learn things about the world around them & how to make sense of everything. They look to us to see how we respond in certain situations. They look to us to see how we talk, how we communicate with others that are around us, how we treat others and how we speak to those we come in contact with.
They watch us when we are full of emotions- whether it be anger, joy, sadness. The way that we react to things around us will show them how they should react to things in their lives.
They're paying attention when we get frustrated in the checkout line at the store because we're short on time. They're watching to see how we react.
They watch us to see if we keep our word on things we say that we are going to do, or do they see us fail to complete them?
Children learn by examples. They learn by our words, our body language, our facial expressions...everything.
You will always be an example...but whether you are a good example or a bad example is up to you.
Every day I have to make a conscious effort to pay closer attention to the way I respond to things because I know Zion is watching me.
I don't want him to grow up being disrespectful or inconsiderate.
I want him to know right from wrong and still choose right...
I want him to know how to be kind and gentle to others, regardless of how they treat him...
I want him to see what a healthy marriage relationship looks like...
I don't want him to ever question how to treat a woman...
I want him to respect anyone in a place of authority over him...
I don't want him to have to question how to respond in tough situations because of uncertainty...
I want to be a good example to not only him, but to any child that is watching. Children need guidance-and they will either be steered in one direction or the other- even simply by just watching how the adults around them respond.
Our children are watching, so what are we teaching them?
What are we teaching our children?
Now that Zion is getting older I find that I ask myself that more and more often.
Children are constantly learning. Whether they're learning good or bad, it's a thing that is constantly happening. They love to imitate us, they look up to us and often want to be just like us...but the image that we're showing them, is that how we want them to grow up and be?
Our children look to us to learn things about the world around them & how to make sense of everything. They look to us to see how we respond in certain situations. They look to us to see how we talk, how we communicate with others that are around us, how we treat others and how we speak to those we come in contact with.
They watch us when we are full of emotions- whether it be anger, joy, sadness. The way that we react to things around us will show them how they should react to things in their lives.
They're paying attention when we get frustrated in the checkout line at the store because we're short on time. They're watching to see how we react.
They watch us to see if we keep our word on things we say that we are going to do, or do they see us fail to complete them?
Children learn by examples. They learn by our words, our body language, our facial expressions...everything.
You will always be an example...but whether you are a good example or a bad example is up to you.
Every day I have to make a conscious effort to pay closer attention to the way I respond to things because I know Zion is watching me.
I don't want him to grow up being disrespectful or inconsiderate.
I want him to know right from wrong and still choose right...
I want him to know how to be kind and gentle to others, regardless of how they treat him...
I want him to see what a healthy marriage relationship looks like...
I don't want him to ever question how to treat a woman...
I want him to respect anyone in a place of authority over him...
I don't want him to have to question how to respond in tough situations because of uncertainty...
I want to be a good example to not only him, but to any child that is watching. Children need guidance-and they will either be steered in one direction or the other- even simply by just watching how the adults around them respond.
Our children are watching, so what are we teaching them?
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