Welcome to the blog!
I'm a little late into the game, but I wanted to do an introductory post and it's taken me a little longer than I thought it would to write.
I just wanted to introduce myself, share a little bit about my journey thus far and kind of explain how the blog came about.
My name is Kala. I am 24 years old & I live in the KC area with my amazing husband, Christian & our adorable son, Zion. He definitely keeps life very interesting for us!
When I was younger I was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency & had to take shots almost daily from the age of 6 until sometime when I was 15 years old. Once I had finished them I assumed that I would be done with that and anything related to that, for good.
Fast forward to a few years ago- Before Christian and I got married we talked about kids, how many kids we wanted and decided that we didn't really to want wait long after getting married to start having them. Christian comes from a family of 5 boys and I come from a large family as well, so we knew we wanted about a small handful of children.
We got married in January of 2014 and I thought I would be Miss Fertile Myrtle since I have 6 biological siblings. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Within our first year of marriage we lost 2 pregnancies, both very early on. Only after a little bit of research did I find out that it can be expected, in women treated with GH(Growth Hormone) deficiency, for there to be issues getting pregnant and that often times it can be an indicator of additional hormone deficiencies.
I decided that if we got to March of 2015 and nothing had happened that I would go see a doctor.
March came and went and I was dragging my feet because I didn't want to hear that yet another thing was wrong with me, but I finally made an appointment and went.
We ended up leaving this office because of some things that were said to us by the staff and doctor himself, but while we saw him I was told that I would never have a successful, to term pregnancy unless I had surgery for something he thought he saw on an ultrasound.
October 2015 comes and I had an appointment with a new doctor. I got blood work done after the initial appointment and she discovered that my progesterone wasn't high enough for me to ovulate. For November she put me on a medication called Clomid, which was described to me as a medication that blocks the receptors in your brain from realizing that you've created enough of the correct hormone, that way you'll continuing producing more and more, thus making sure your levels are good. Usually it takes a few months for Clomid to work, but somehow we got lucky and ended up with Zion from just that first round.
Now we'll fast forward to 2017- Add in another loss and I knew I was going to need Clomid again to get pregnant. Unfortunately, due to it working the first time with Zion, even though I knew it wasn't realistic, I had a false hope. My progesterone levels were even lower after the first round! My doctor doubled my dose & I took the second round in October.
Come November, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I was having some weird symptoms, you could call them that I guess. I took a test and to my surprise there was a faint positive! However it was still early to test so I had decided that I was going to test again that upcoming Sunday so I could call my doctor that Monday since they were now closed for Thanksgiving weekend. Friday rolled around and I started bleeding so I assumed it was a fluke, false positive and didn't think anything of it.
I called my doctor that next Monday morning to tell them what happened & to get the next round of Clomid, but they decided that since I got the positive that I needed to come in for blood work. Because of this I had to take a month off from the Clomid because I was supposed to start it Monday but I couldn't start it until I got the results back and that wouldn't have been until Tuesday sometime. The next day the nurse from my doctors office called and said that the results were negative but because I had gotten a positive test that they could confirm that I had lost another.
I think that one was the hardest on me...I know that my body has been able to carry a pregnancy before, so I wasn't sure why it wouldn't take now. I was condemning myself, blaming myself for everything. Maybe I had done something, maybe, maybe I deserved it...I was thinking of everything to try and make myself feel justified for losing it but nothing was helping.
Taking the month of December off was just what I needed. I needed a break from all the hormones and emotions. I was worn out from dealing with it all.
Present day- We're just waiting. I finished the last round of Clomid that my doctor will allow me to take under her supervision before she refers us to a specialist. Right now I am enjoying my son. He's growing so fast and I want to be able to enjoy him while it's just him.
The blog started because I have plans to start up a YouTube channel sometime this year. Both for the purposes of sharing my infertility journey but also so I can have those memories with my son to look back on. I started posting some stuff on Facebook about infertility and noticed that the posts were long, but at the same time there wasn't really a way to condense them and still get the message as direct and clear as I wanted to.
So here we are...a blog where I share about my family. Fun things, little lists, and about infertility.
I always say this, but if I only help one person in my life, that one person is worth it to me.
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