Open letter to my son

I know you won't be reading this anytime soon, but I wanted to write a letter to you.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to us! Right now you have no idea how much we prayed for you or how much we wanted you, but someday you will.
You are our greatest accomplishment & our greatest adventure. I pray that you watch us, learn from us and forgive us if we make any mistakes. You are daring, you are adventurous, you are courageous. You keep us on our toes and always keep us guessing as to what you'll be doing next!
There are a few things that I hope for you in life
1. I hope that you will follow your dreams! You can do anything that you put your mind to! It may not always be easy to accomplish, but we know that you can do it!
2. I pray that you love unconditionally & that you will have a fierce, selfless love! That you love regardless of needs, not expecting anything in return & that you do everything with your whole heart! You have a big heart, even at such a young age, and I pray that you don't try to mask it or try to hide it.
3. I pray that you'll be an influence to others. That you grow up and others can look up to you, knowing that you're a good example.
4. I pray that you'll be kind to people, no matter their background, and that you will be grateful, even when things might not look how you hoped they would.
5. That you will take risks in life and not let a fear of failure hold you back! Failure isn't a bad thing, you just have to keep getting back up and trying again.
6. I pray that you have fun and enjoy life, within reason, but that you also understand that there are consequences for our choices.
7. That when the time comes for you to love someone else, that you will first know and love yourself but also that you will find someone who loves you for who you are.
8.I pray that you will never forget where you came from. Everything that takes pace in your life helps shape you into who you are.
9. That you forgive me for any mistakes that I've made and know that we're doing the best that we know how to do.
10. Above all else, I pray that you will love God with all your heart. That you won't turn from Him or ignore His voice. That you will obey Him and follow the path that He has set for your life.
I love you more than you'll ever know son. You are my dream come true and I wouldn't ever go back and do life without you. You will always be my baby
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