5 Things in my Diaper Bag I can't live without
I am a planner. I like to have everything planned out as much as possible. When it came to Zion's diaper bag, I had it down. If you needed it, I probably had it.
Now that he's older, I've learned that babies really don't need as much as we think they do. I decided to compile a list of the top 5 items that I have in my diaper bag that I can't live without.
1. Diapers/Wipes- the obvious! I've learned that it's always better to pack more diapers than you think you'll actually need. I usually pack 10 diapers & at least 1/2 a pack of wipes.
2. A change of clothes(or 2) & an extra pair of socks- You never know when you kid will have an accident, literally NEVER! When Zion was a newborn I always had at least 2 extra outfits, one cute & one pair of pajamas. Now I know that I can usually make it by with just 1 spare change of clothes.
3. A cup & snacks- Kids get hungry like every 20 minutes...I'll feed Zion and then not even 1/2 hour later he decides that he's ready to eat again. I don't want to go out of the house and then have a grumpy kid because he's hungry and I forgot to bring a snack for him. ALWAYS bring a snack!
4. A pacifier- If your kid uses one, you'll want at least 1 extra pacifier in the diaper bag. Those things can work some magic when nothing else can.
5. Diaper rash cream- It doesn't matter what kind. I generally have 2 that I switch between, depending on how his is at the moment. I always keep at least one in his bag though, as I never know when he will have a rash.
There's no need to pack the bag so full that it won't zip. Most of the time all you end up needing is the bare essentials.
Also, how CUTE is that diaper bag?! You can get it HERE
What things in your diaper bag can you not live without? Tell me in the comments!
Nursing pads