10 baby items you don’t actually need
Having a baby is a HUGE change in life and as parents we only want the best for our children and nothing less. The baby industry is coming up with new things every single day, trying to convince parents that they need these products. I've come up with a list of either things we did get that we didn't end up needing as much or things that we wanted, but didn't get, and we did just fine. Some of these things may be a convenience, but they definitely aren't a necessity. So here we go...
1. A wipe warmer- We never bought one & while they may be a nice thing to have I've actually heard more bad things about them than good. The majority of it being that they dry the wipes out faster. I don't know about you but we buy enough wipes as it is! I don't want to add even more to that just because I have a wipe warmer.
2. A diaper pail/genie- We actually did register for one but we decided that if we didn't receive it as a gift that we were fine without one. I think I was so much happier just having a small trashcan next to his changing table/crib. That way I had a trashcan right there & didn't have to walk anywhere, but at the same time it was small enough to be changed every day(or every other day if it didn't smell) & the trash bags for that small of a trashcan were going to be much cheaper than having to buy diaper genie refills.
3. Baby detergent- I admit, I was given some and I used what I was given, but I didn't buy anymore after it was gone. Yes, babies have more sensitive skin than we do, but I would usually buy the unscented, dye-free kind and guess what...it got the job done & didn't irritate his skin.
4. A baby tub- We did have one of these but I think I only used it twice. Babies are slippery and when you haven't bathed a baby that much it can be scary! It was SO much easier just using the kitchen sink or I would lay a receiving blanket in the bottom of our tub and lay him on there. They aren't in there for more than 5 minutes anyways.
5. A bassinet AND a pack-n-play- If you have to get one of them, definitely go with the pack n play! Zion didn't even use his bassinet until he was like 6 months old, but even with him being almost 18 months we are still using the play pen. You can get playpens with a bassinet type thing on top of it for a decent price if you shop around. I don't see a point in getting 2 things that share the same purpose, especially if the pack-n-play can easily be packed up and taken anywhere with you.
6. Bath thermometer- We didn't get one of these but personally, I don't think they're worth the money. I understand the reasoning behind it, but you can simply place your wrist or elbow in the tub or under the running water and if it's hot to you then it's too hot for a baby. It's both convenient and free!
7. Boogie Wipes/Pacifier wipes- Really? I think that sometimes people design these things to specifically target first time moms knowing that they will probably buy these products. In place of both of these you can useplain baby wipes. You can carry around Kleenex, you can wash the pacifier in water.
8. A pee-pee teepee- Face it, if you're a mom(or dad) to a boy, you're bound to get peed on eventually. If they're going to pee on you there's no avoiding it! Learn to change diapers quickly!
9. Tons of bottles- Don't buy tons of the same brand before baby is born because you never know if they will actually like/take that kind of bottle. You'll end up spending WAY more money doing it that way rather than just waiting until baby is here.
10. A Crib- I don't mean at all because some parents co-sleep and then transition baby into their own bed(usually a toddler or twin sized) but I would say it isn't needed from the very beginning. Maybe you're a lucky one and your baby slept in their crib from the day you got home from the hospital, but not all babies do. If your baby is anything like my son, then you will just end up buying a crib only to realize that it doesn't get hardly any use.
There we have it! a list of 10 things that parent's don't need(at least not immediately) in my opinion. What works for some people won't always work for others.
If you have any additions, feel free to drop them in the comments below! I would love to see what other things that people think aren't needed!
I think having a ton of pacifiers is pretty useless too. Like you mentioned with the crib and bottles you never know what your baby will take. Clarkson for example only likes those smoothies from the hospital and that are attached to the little stuffed animals. He won’t take any other kind and those pacifiers ended up being a waste.